工作职能:  ????
申请 ID:  133035

FOSHAN, GD, CN, 200233

教育经验:  Other
雇佣经验:  Less than 1 year
出差:  None
At TE, you will unleash your potential working with people from diverse backgrounds and industries to create a safer, sustainable and more connected world. 


TE Connectivity 的制造工程团队是冲压、模制或组装相关主题的工艺领导者,确保工艺以最佳的质量和 输出水平运行。他们是模具加工、机械加工和组装技术领域的专家,拥有广泛的相关制造工艺知识,其中可能包括制造环境内的冲压/成型/组装或其他工艺的优化和标准化。制造工程团队支持 TE 事业部的工厂达到 TE 运营优势 (TEOA) 的要求,推广卓越中心 (COE)、最佳演示做法 (BDP),并就工具和机械的复制/更正/改进提供 建议。他们设计和开发制造工艺及自动化平台,并将其应用于实现新产品开发以及优化已投产的现有产品。这些团队还支持产品开发人员选择和优化零件生产工具,以及针对计划的制造数量、质量要求和制造地点选择最合适的制造概念。他们充当工程与生产之间的界面,确保新设计的可制造性和生产的稳步推进,以及支持研发团队生产制造设备样机、产品样品和原型。


New Project

1).New project DFM,BOP, and cost evaluation; 2).Tool spec definition, developing plan and join supplier SSR; 3).Tool design review and final confirmation with MPDE; 4).Working with purchasing track the development schedule on time; 5).Tool set up , trial run , improve and qualification; 6).Documentation related files and transfer project: WI,MIL,FAAR...... Make sure tool meet spec, production requirements , and delivery on time " Process Improvement

1). Analyze production data, and find the improvement opportunity , initiate improvement plan and execute ; 2).Communicate and work with team member in design improvement; 3).Import new technology and innovation for process improve; In order to improve efficiency and conduct cost reduction.


1).Make sure EHS requirements is defined in spec, supplier must follow the spec; 2).Check machine, execute company EHS standards & requirements, ensure meeting company guideline after tool set up in plant; 3).Follow EHS related policy during tool trial run and production; Make sure the machine meet EHS requirements and safety;


1). Evaluate your own projects and make development plans; 2).Execute self-develop plan and track the progress; 3).Communicate regularly with leader for support and help; Make sure the self-development is sustaining;


• Mechanical related college degree or above background • Good speaking and writing English skill, CET-4 is expected


价值观:诚信行事、承担责任、包容并蓄 、锐意创新, 团队合作